Jialong's Packaging Machine Example of Case on CCTV


Jialong Example of Case Reporting on CCTV

jialong Rice Packaging Machine

-Suizhou Rice Fragrance

End of Line Solutions, Rice Manufacturing Process Packing Machine Brick Shape Pillow Shape Two In One Machine, packaging machine for rice/grain.

jialong Rice Packing Machine

CCTV, or China Central Television, is the predominant state television broadcaster in the People's Republic of China. It is a national network of television channels that is owned and operated by the Chinese government. CCTV is responsible for producing and airing a wide range of programming, including news, documentaries, entertainment shows, dramas, and sports coverage. CCTV's programming is primarily broadcast in Mandarin Chinese, but it also offers channels and programs in other languages, catering to various ethnic groups within China. CCTV has a significant influence on media and public opinion in China, as it is the country's largest and most-watched television network.

jialong Packaging Machine





Youtube Vedio For Detail: https://youtu.be/qDBw0cyZjUs

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